June 2022 JSocial: Free Social Media Posts to Use for Your Jewish Community Center

Published: Wednesday, June 8, 2022 | Tags: JCC Resources, JSocial, social media, Social Media for JCCs

Looking for some social media content inspiration for your Jewish Community Center? We created a guide with FREE June social media content ideas for you to use across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Google My Business. You will have plenty of content to share about upcoming holidays and observances, membership, health, fitness, community and family activities, arts & culture, and so much more! Simply click the graphic below to access your copy of the June 2022 JSocial. 

June J Social Media Content Ideas

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Your JCC has a lot of Data to manage...
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Get started today and we can help you consolidate and migrate your data from multiple software databases into one.

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Browse the tools and features of our Membership software. Grow your organization with Freedom.

Your organization can utilize your website to promote, campaign, and interact with all current and potential members.

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